Eternity Jesus purpose Truth

Living For One Day

I’m not living for anything on this earth.

I’m living for one day.

Everything I do, I do with that single day in mind.

The day eternity begins.

There’s coming a day and it is very soon. There’s coming a day when King Jesus will be seen in the sky; the day He’ll come to take all those who are saved home to be with Him. Forever.

There’s coming a day when it won’t matter how many cars you had or who did what to you or what you never had. There’s coming a day when these things will not matter and all that will matter is if you knew Jesus. All that will matter is if you lived for Jesus, is if you loved Him and loved His people. I tell you there’s coming a day when you will forget the nights you went to bed hungry, and the mean words spoken to you, and the fame, and the popularity, and the wealth, and whatever it is that consumes your mind right now because what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his own soul? What does it profit you to spend 70 years on this earth and all you lived for was money? For the praises of people? For your self?

What do you think is going to happen after you die?

The Bible says, “A wise person thinks about death, but a fool thinks only about having a good time.” (Ecclesiastes 7:4, The Bible.)

Do you know where you will go? Do you know what is next for this world? Do you know the purpose of human existence? Do you ever pause to ask yourself why you are here? You go to work and you go to parties and you crave for more likes and more followers but then…what? What does it all amount to in the end?

When you die what will happen to your job and the parties and the likes?

Jesus loves you. I’ll tell you a lot about Jesus on this blog. I don’t know everything about Him of course, but I’ll tell you what I do know: He loves you. He is God’s Son and He came to the earth to give us life. Eternal life. Ever lasting life. Life that will never end. Life that transcends the earth, that transcends the natural, and the now and all the things we are so focused on in this world today.

I’m telling you there is MORE. And how you live in every moment of every day on this earth is going to determine what your eternity will look like.

So, the question is not really about how you’re living, because that is the result of another question, which is, WHO are you living for?

Who are you living for? Your children? They’ll grow up and die and most likely you’ll die before you even see that happen. Your job? You’ll retire one day or you could get fired or need a new one or it could shut down. Your followers on Instagram? They don’t even know you.

The only One worth living for is Jesus. He is the Only One that will transcend time.

Jesus is coming. Are you ready for your eternity?

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. -John 3:16-17, The Bible.

And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. -Revelation 22:12-13, The Bible.